Socio-cultural impact assessment of establishing Marvdasht sports complex (Tehran municipal region7)
Subject Areas :Khalil Mirzaei 1 , Marjan Pakdaman 2 , Farzad Abbasi 3 , neda Azimi 4
1 - Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor in Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch
2 - M.A in Social Science Research
3 - cultural Management
4 - Ph.D in Cultural Sociology
Keywords: social impacts, cultural impacts, sports complex, Marvdasht, Tehran municipal region 7,
Abstract :
The present study seeks to respond to Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood residents’ needs regarding sports facilities. Some of the most important goals of this project include impacts such as direct and indirect empowering and informing the residents on health issues, providing access to sports facilities, establishing public spaces and increasing social interactions in those spaces, increasing perceived safety and health for the residents of Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood due to the existence of a safe place for doing sports, improving residents’ physical health due to easier accessibility to sports facilities and equipment compared to the past, increasing the visits from other parts of the region to use the facilities and building new interaction, etc. The present study is descriptive in terms of process and applied in terms of the research objective. Documentary and field study were also used for data collection. However, it must be mentioned that the present study can also be categorized among assessment studies. The establishment of Marvdasht sports complex in Tehran municipal region 7 has both positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts include increasing social relations, social capital, safety for women, health, participation in sports activities, reducing addiction rate, change in the lifestyle, employment, creation of new jobs, revenue gain for the municipality, and reducing noise from teenagers and the youth, while negative impacts include environmental pollution, increased traffic, parking space shortage, and congestion and crowdedness in the neighborhood.
ارزيابي تأثيرات اجتماعي و فرهنگي احداث مجموعة ورزشي مرودشت
منطقة 7 شهرداري تهران
خليل ميرزايي
دکتراي جامعهشناسي، دانشيار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي، واحد رودهن
مرجان پاکدامن
کارشناسارشد پژوهشگري علوم اجتماعي
فرزاد عباسي
کارشناس مديريت امور فرهنگي، گرايش برنامهريزي فرهنگي
ندا عظيمي
دکتراي جامعهشناسي فرهنگي
پروژة حاضر با هدف پاسخگويي به نيازهاي اهالي محلة قصر- حشمتيه در زمينه امکانات ورزشي اجرا شده است. از مهمترين اهداف اجراي اين طرح، توانمندسازي و آگاهسازي مستقيم و غير مستقيم اهالي با مسائل بهداشتي، دسترسي به امکانات ورزشي، ايجاد فضاي عمومي و افزايش تعاملات اجتماعي در اين مکان، افزايش حس امنيت و سلامت در ساکنان محلة قصر- حشمتيه به واسطة وجود محلي امن براي ورزش، افزايش سلامت جسماني ساکنان به دليل دسترسي آسانتر نسبت به گذشته به امکانات و وسايل ورزشي، افزايش مراجعات از ساير نقاط منطقه براي استفاده از امکانات مجموعه و ايجاد تعاملات جديد و... است. نوع مطالعه در اين پژوهش از نظر مسير، توصيفي و از نظر هدف، كاربردي است. روش مورد استفاده براي گردآوري اطلاعات نيز ميداني و اسنادي بوده است. البته بايد اشاره كرد كه پژوهش حاضر را ميتوان در شمار پژوهشهايي قرار داد كه با عنوان ارزيابي مطرح شدهاند. تأثيرات ساخت مجموعه ورزشي مرودشت واقع در منطقة 7 شهرداري تهران منجر به پيامدهاي مثبت و منفي ميشود. پيامدهاي مثبت عبارتند از: افزايش ارتباطات اجتماعي، سرماية اجتماعي، امنيت بانوان، سلامت، مشارکت در فعاليتهاي ورزشي، کاهش اعتياد، تغيير سبک زندگي، اشتغالزايي، ايجاد مشاغل جديد، کسب درآمد براي شهرداري و کاهش سر و صداي نوجوانان و جوانان و پيامدهاي منفي نيز عبارتند از: آلودگيهاي محيطزيستي، افزايش ترافيک، کمبود جاي پارک خودرو و شلوغي و ازدحام در محله.
واژه هاي کليدي: تأثيرات اجتماعي، تأثيرات فرهنگي، مجموعة ورزشي، مرودشت و منطقة 7 شهرداري تهران.
Socio-cultural impact assessment of establishing Marvdasht sports complex
(Tehran municipal region7)
Khalil Mirzaei
Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor in Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch
Marjan Pakdaman
M.A in Social Science Research
Farzad Abbasi
cultural Management
Neda Azimi
Ph.D in Cultural Sociology
The present study seeks to respond to Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood residents’ needs regarding sports facilities. Some of the most important goals of this project include impacts such as direct and indirect empowering and informing the residents on health issues, providing access to sports facilities, establishing public spaces and increasing social interactions in those spaces, increasing perceived safety and health for the residents of Qasr-Heshmatieh neighborhood due to the existence of a safe place for doing sports, improving residents’ physical health due to easier accessibility to sports facilities and equipment compared to the past, increasing the visits from other parts of the region to use the facilities and building new interaction, etc. The present study is descriptive in terms of process and applied in terms of the research objective. Documentary and field study were also used for data collection. However, it must be mentioned that the present study can also be categorized among assessment studies. The establishment of Marvdasht sports complex in Tehran municipal region 7 has both positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts include increasing social relations, social capital, safety for women, health, participation in sports activities, reducing addiction rate, change in the lifestyle, employment, creation of new jobs, revenue gain for the municipality, and reducing noise from teenagers and the youth, while negative impacts include environmental pollution, increased traffic, parking space shortage, and congestion and crowdedness in the neighborhood.
Key Words: social impacts, cultural impacts, sports complex, Marvdasht, Tehran municipal region 7.