Book summary Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects: Experience in India and Other Asian Countries
Subject Areas :Simin Zamani (Prepared and arranged) 1
1 - M.A in Social Science, Researcher in Center of Social Impact Assessment, institute of Humanities and Social Studies. ACECR
Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Asia, India, Resettlement Projects.,
Abstract :
The book “Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects: Experience in India and Other Asian Countries”, edited by Hari Mohan Mathur and translated by Meysam Ahrabian Sadr, is one of the books that the Office of Social and Cultural Studies of Tehran Municipality has published in collaboration with Hamshahri Publication in 2020 in order to provide access to sources and texts in the field of social impact assessment and the filling the vacuum of such studies in the field of urban studies. This book provides a point of view about the concerns and issues related to the social impact of development projects in India and other Asian countries, including Bangladesh, China, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, which can be a useful and necessary source for other governments, multilateral development agencies, policymakers, development planners, executives, researchers, educators, environmentalists, social scientists, consultants, academics all over the world. This book is written in thirteen chapters, which are categorized into 4 sections: (1) framework, (2) SIA: Policy and practice in India, (3) experiences in other Asian countries, and (4) mitigating adverse social impacts. The first chapter of this book looks into the introduction and history of social impact assessment.
خلاصة کتاب
ارزيابي تأثيرات اجتماعي پروژه هاي توسعه
تجربياتي از هند و ديگر کشورهاي آسيايي
تهيه و تنظيم: سيمين زماني
کارشناس ارشد علوم اجتماعي، کارشناس مرکز ارزيابي تأثيرات اجتماعي جهاددانشگاهي
کتاب ارزيابيِ تأثيرات اجتماعيِ پروژههاي توسعه (تجربياتي از هند و ديگر کشورهاي آسيايي) توسط هريموهان مَتور ويراستاريشده و ميثم اهرابيان صدر آن را ترجمه کرده است. اين کتاب از مجموعه کتابهايي است که دفتر مطالعات اجتماعي و فرهنگي شهرداري تهران بنا بهضرورت دسترسي به منابع و متون حوزه ارزيابي تأثيرات اجتماعي و خلأ اينگونه مطالعات در حوزه مطالعات شهري با همکاري نشر همشهري در سال 1399 به چاپ رسانده است.
اين کتاب، چشم اندازي است به دغدغهها و مسائل مرتبط با تأثيرات اجتماعي پروژههاي توسعه در هند و ديگر کشورهاي آسيايي ازجمله بنگلادش، چين، لائوس، نپال، پاکستان و سريلانکا که ميتواند منبعي مفيد و ضروري براي ديگر حکومتها، کارگزاران توسعهي چندجانبه، سياستگذاران، برنامهريزان توسعه، مجريان، محققان، مربيان، متخصصان محيطزيست، صاحبنظران علوم اجتماعي، مشاوران و فعالان دانشگاهي در ديگر نقاط جهان باشد. اين کتاب در سيزده فصل نگاشته شده که در 4 بخش (1) چهارچوب، (2) اتا؛ سياست و عمل در هند، (3) تجربههايي در ديگر کشورهاي آسيايي و (4) کاهش آثار سوء اجتماعي دستهبنديشده است. فصل اولِ اين کتاب به مقدمه و تاريخچه ارزيابي تأثيرات اجتماعي پرداخته است.
واژه هاي کليدي:ارزيابي تأثيرات محيط زيستي، ارزيابي تأثيرات اجتماعي (اتا)، آسيا، هند، پروژههاي اسکان مجدد
Book summary
Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects: Experience in India and Other Asian Countries
Prepared and arranged by Simin Zamani
M.A in Social Science, Researcher in Center of Social Impact Assessment, institute of Humanities and Social Studies. ACECR
The book “Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects: Experience in India and Other Asian Countries”, edited by Hari Mohan Mathur and translated by Meysam Ahrabian Sadr, is one of the books that the Office of Social and Cultural Studies of Tehran Municipality has published in collaboration with Hamshahri Publication in 2020 in order to provide access to sources and texts in the field of social impact assessment and the filling the vacuum of such studies in the field of urban studies.
This book provides a point of view about the concerns and issues related to the social impact of development projects in India and other Asian countries, including Bangladesh, China, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, which can be a useful and necessary source for other governments, multilateral development agencies, policymakers, development planners, executives, researchers, educators, environmentalists, social scientists, consultants, academics all over the world. This book is written in thirteen chapters, which are categorized into 4 sections: (1) framework, (2) SIA: Policy and practice in India, (3) experiences in other Asian countries, and (4) mitigating adverse social impacts. The first chapter of this book looks into the introduction and history of social impact assessment.
Key Words: Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Asia, India, Resettlement Projects.